Twitter diablo 2 resurrected
Twitter diablo 2 resurrected

However, he himself was later captured and imprisoned in Hell as punishment for his actions. Inarius, fearing her extremism, banished her to the Void. Lilith's Banishment: Lilith, protective of the Nephalem, slaughtered any angel or demon threatening them. Here, they birthed the Nephalem, powerful offspring born of both angelic and demonic heritage. The Eternal Conflict: Following the creation of Heaven and Hell, a never-ending war called the Eternal Conflict erupted between angels and demons, each vying for control over reality itself.Ĭreation of Sanctuary: Tired of endless warfare, the angel Inarius and the demon Lilith stole the Worldstone, a powerful cosmic artifact, and used it to create a hidden realm called Sanctuary. Anu fought and died alongside its opposite, Tathamet, leading to the creation of the High Heavens and the Burning Hells from their remains.

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Genesis of Heaven and Hell: In the beginning, there was Anu, a primordial entity embodying all things.

Twitter diablo 2 resurrected